Ernest Holmes: “Perfection: The real state of being; complete so that nothing is wanting. Ideal faultlessness; the divine attribute of complete excellence.” Science of Mind textbook, glossary.
Meister Eckhart: “If the only prayer you ever say in your life is thank you, it will be enough.”
Eat your grapes today!
Grape is a wonderful acronym, standing for Gratitude, Relaxation, Altitude, Peace and Excellence
Today I am embodying gratitude. Gratitude for all that is. For the miracle of the power of our minds to create our reality. For my surroundings, my life, my beingness. And I further embody relaxation, simply being still, and knowing. I also reach high, into great altitude, knowing that there is always something greater in store for me. Always higher. I feel that grand glorious sense of peace flowing through me. I know excellence as an attribute of spirit and I can embody excellence in all my affairs. Excellence in living through and because of spiritual principle. Excellence in living.
Today am thoroughly enjoying my grapes!