There is a Force in the universe that is everywhere present. I suspect you may agree with me on that, even if you call It a different name. I love the omnipresent feature of Spirit, because if It is truly everywhere present, It is also within me. From the teachings of Science of Mind and from other teachings, I have discerned that this truth has much greater ramifications than simply God is within me. It also means that God is AS ME. In fact, I like to think that, as human beings, we are the way that God shows up in the world. We are God’s opportunity to speak. I believe that this is what it means when the Bible says we are children of God. If this is true, then we have both a gift and a responsibility. The gift is that with God as us, we have all the power and love and joy that God has. This has great potential for being able to live our lives successfully, with joy and peace. It is truly a great gift. The responsibility is that, with God as us, we need to act like it and not allow our fearful humanness to get in the way. Here is where we can take the love, power, strength, joy, beauty and peace that is attributed to Spirit and make it ours. If we all live as if we truly believe that we are physical manifestations of God, imagine how wonderful things would be! So today I sink into the gratitude I feel for this wonderful truth, that God is such a part of me that I have all the power and love and of God as a part of me as well, and today I walk in power and strength, I have unconditional love for myself and others, I feel and appreciate the beauty and joy of life, and I feel at peace. I am One.